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Home Care in Fairfax VA: Senior Care Tips

Five Big Issues Facing Your Senior and How You Can Help

When your elderly family member is facing challenges, you may find yourself wishing you could take on all of those burdens for her. That’s not possible, or even really the best answer for either of you, but there are lots of things that you can do to help, starting with lining up outside assistance for your senior such as a home care provider.


Health Concerns

If your elderly family member is facing health issues, even seemingly minor ones, it’s important to understand how that affects her daily life. Her routines and what she’s able to do may change significantly, which can cause her to have rippling effects throughout her life. Work with her doctors to determine what your senior needs most and consider hiring caregivers to assist with the heavier aspects.


Reduced Independence

It is not uncommon at all for your senior to feel as if needing more help is reducing her independence in some way. But the reality is that having help from home care assistance can actually allow your senior to retain a lot more independence than she expects. She’s able to save time and energy that she can use to do what she’s still able to do. Home care providers do not want to take tasks away from your senior that she can do herself, because that can cause her to lose those abilities.


Difficulty Keeping up with Tasks

Even though your senior wants to be as independent as possible, it’s important to remember that there are likely to be some tasks and activities that are much more difficult for your senior now. It might take her a lot longer to do simple tasks like clean her home or do laundry. Having help from elder care providers can reduce that difficulty for your senior and allow her to rest and regain some strength.


Trouble Finding a Routine

Another issue facing aging adults can be that their days have a lot less structure now than ever before. Over time, that can mean that your senior’s days and nights gradually flip, especially if she’s going to bed later and later. Sticking with a solid daily routine helps her to eat healthfully, get plenty of sleep, and feel recharged to face all the rest of the challenges headed her way.


Emotional Issues

There are a lot of emotions around aging, too. If your elderly family member isn’t as socially engaged as she once was, she may be feeling the sting of that now. It can be more difficult for her to get to activities and events where she would normally socialize, for example. Home care assistance can offer companionship, but they can also help your senior to be a little more mobile if that’s what she needs as well.

Aging is a challenge and your elderly family member may be facing bigger issues than average. What’s important is that you work together to find solutions that help her to get the assistance that she needs. Over time, her needs will change further, so it’s important to revisit the conversation and assess what’s still working and what might need to be tweaked a bit.

We provide services in Virginia’s Fairfax, Loudoun, Arlington, Prince William, Fauquier, Culpeper, Stafford, Winchester-Fredrick, Clarke, and Warren counties.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Home Care in Fairfax, VA, please contact the caring staff at Care With Love today. 703-935-4070