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Alzheimer's Care Leesburg VA

Benefits of Staying Active For Alzheimer’s Care Patients

Staying active is an important part of a lifestyle for everyone. From toddlers to retirees, being active provides a myriad of benefits to enrich a person’s life. The same can be said for those who have Alzheimer’s disease. If your aging loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, helping them stay active now is more important than ever.

While in the earlier stages of dementia, it can be easier to help your loved one stay active by going on walks together, gardening, and even cleaning the home. Planning for how to help them continue to stay active as the disease progresses is important as well. An Alzheimer’s care team who visits the home regularly can help your loved one make adjustments to her activities so that as her cognitive functions decline, she can still exercise and be active. They are also a great resource for tips as well as support during these transitions.

After meeting with your loved one’s primary physician and creating a fitness plan for her, here are some benefits your loved one will receive from regularly planned activity.

Improved Physical Health

Like everyone, regular activity increases cardiovascular health, promotes muscle growth, and increases stamina. These health benefits alone can help make days much more pleasant and stave off other infections that may develop in someone with a weaker immune system.

Improved Mood and Behaviors

Regular exercise gets endorphins flowing, helping your loved one have days that are filled with a better mood and less agitation. They can help reduce the amount of outbursts and aggression your loved one feels.

Improved Memory

Your loved one might be able to remember more if she’s physically active. As memory functions decrease as the disease progresses, anything to slow down that progression is a positive change for not only your loved one but those who care for her as well.

Better Sleep

Many patients with dementia struggle with sleeping on a normal schedule. Their bodies may become confused and mix up day and night time. Your loved one might require 24-hour care from an Alzheimer’s care team if those nighttime awakenings cause her to put herself in danger. A good daily walk or swim can help your loved one get better sleep at night and keep her schedule on schedule.

Reduced Constipation

With a lack of movement, the risk of constipation increases. Add in resistance to drinking enough water or eating foods that help keep the digestive tract working well. Your loved one may find she’s always dealing with constipation. Movement helps the digestive tract keep things moving. Plus activity may also help your loved one drink more fluids, keeping everything flowing that way as well.

Maintain Motor Skills and Fall Prevention

Consistent physical activity helps your loved one’s body maintain its motor skills. As well as its sense of balance and core strength. All of these improved functions will reduce the risk of your loved one falling and hurting herself.

As your loved one develops the healthy habits of exercising every day (even if it’s simply walking to the end of the driveway and back) remember to keep working with your Alzheimer’s care team to determine if activities need to be altered or eliminated due to your loved one’s current physical and cognitive state. A constant review will keep her safe as she stays healthy.

We provide services in Virginia’s Fairfax, Loudoun, Arlington, Prince William, Fauquier, Culpeper, Stafford, Winchester-Frederick, Clarke, Warren, Richmond City, Chesterfield, and Henrico counties.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Alzheimer’s Care in Leesburg, VA, please contact the caring staff at Care With Love today. 703-935-407